October 22, 2023

Yellow-throated Warbler, Lakeside Park, 10-19-23
The parade of eastern warblers continues in the region. Yellow-throated, Tennessee, and Black-and-White have just shown up.

Yellow-throated Warbler Lakeside Park 10-19-23

Tennessee Warbler, Paton’s 10-21-23

Tennessee Warbler, Paton’s 10-21-23

Tennessee Warbler, Paton’s 10-21-23
In addition to the warblers, Ruddy Ground-doves are being seen all up and down the mighty Santa Cruz River. The water level on the river is very low. Hopefully Nogales residents will help out the situation by consuming more beer.

Ruddy Ground-Doves M&F Paton’s 10-21-23

Golden-crowned Sparrow, Paton’s, 10-21-23
Golden-crowned Sparrows are a pretty good bird in SE Arizona. Usually it requires a long hike up Lower Florida Canyon to find juveniles in December.

Merlin, Cottonwood Tank 10-18-23

Green Kingfisher Tubac 10-22-23

Western Pygmy Blue, Canoa Ranch 10-17-23
Butterflies are scarce this fall. Only a few of the too-common varieties; Queens, Painted Ladies, Empress Leilas, and a few Arizona Sisters and Texas Crescents. Too little rain during Monsoon. Last year at this time there were Texas Crescents in gigantic numbers.

Texas Crescent, Paton’s, 10-21-22

This is a topic which is close to my heart… Thank you!
Exactly where are your contact details though?