The DeAnza Trail north of the Tubac trailhead follows the Santa Cruz River and is much like the Santa Gertrudis and Clark Crossing trails. The special attraction on the Tubac trail are the Rose-throated Becards, medium sized flycatchers who are rather common along this stretch of river, but overall, are quite rare Mexican specialties. These birds nest along the river, several of the large clumsy-looking nests can be easily found. At least two Becards, and perhaps more, have wintered here this year.
During winter, one can expect to find Bullock’s Oriole, Verdin, Inca Dove, Bridled Titmice, Audubon’s and Myrtle Warblers, Black-throated Gray warblers, Orange-crowned Warblers, Ruby-crowned Kinglets, Hutton’s, Plumbeous and Cassin’s Vireos. Hammond’s Flycatchers are the most common of the flycatchers to be seen. Vermilion flycatchers are often seen, especially in summer and fall.




To get to the Tubac Trailhead take I-19 south and exit at the Tubac offramp. Proceed north on the frontage road past Tubac proper and take a right (east) on bridge Road. Follow Bridge Road to a “T” intersection. Continue right and follow the road until you get to Calle Inglesa. You will see a small parking lot across from the corrals. The tail head is just across Bridge Road. Proceed along the trail and soon you will come to a footbridge. Cross it, continue east and then north along the trail which follows, briefly, a swale. Do not continue east out of the river. The trail meanders along the river floodplain, mostly near the east bank. The actual river flows along the westerly side of the floodplain area.

The becards have nested for at least several years, and have left behind several nests. The pair of nests is well marked with a plastic orange lid.

Another excellent and comprehensive description of a productive birding area in the Green Valley area. The photos are beautiful and the lovely female Rose-throated Becard was shown to her best advantage in your shots. I got a kick out of the orange marked spot where the nests are. Even iIcan’t miss that!
Thank you for creating a super blog. Looking forward to future adventures on all of these trails.
I forgot to add that the map is great!