March 11, 2024

Hawk Watch, Tubac 3-8-24
The annual Tubac Hawk Watch is locally a big deal. Through March Peter Collins shows up and hosts the show. It is usually well attended. This morning I noted about 50 cars in the parking area at Ron Morriss Park in Tubac, just a short distance from the famous Tubac Bridge. The main event is the migration of Common Black Hawks north along the Santa Cruz River. The peak of the season is ~ March 15.

Common Black Hawk, Tubac, 3-5-24

Common Black Hawk, Tubac, 3-5-24.

Short-tailed Hawk, Tubac, 3-8-24
Besides the Common Black Hawks, others are often seen. This Short-tailed Hawk was very likely the same dark bird that showed up in 2023 and lingered at Tubac for about 10 days. The bird seen above, is on its 5th day.

Short-tailed Hawk, Tubac 3-11-24

Grasshopper Sparrow, Tubac, 3-11-24
This crisp Grasshopper Sparrow was first noted about two weeks ago. It has appeared sporadically in a well-known sparrow woodpile and adjacent vegetation, but is hard to find. Today it was confiding and readily posed.

Grasshopper Sparrow, Tubac, 3-11-24

Grasshopper Sparrow, Tubac, 3-11-24

Common Black Hawk, Tubac, 3-11-24.