Birds through March 24, 2020.

This post is about the trail going south from the Tubac Bridge. The trail is easy to follow compared to the north trail. South of the bridge you will come across two gates and just south of the second is a decent grassland, a stand of pines, mesquite and a kiosk. This is about as far south as I have ventured.

The area around the kiosk was excellent during winter for a variety of sparrows, Bullock’s orioles, Pac-slope flycatchers and vireos. The trail skirts the riparian and oak woodland habitats.

This bird eluded me since I arrived in Arizona. I finally found this tiny flycatcher between the two gates.
In summer the area hosts summer and western tanagers, chats, orioles, Lucy’s warblers, Bell’s vireo and others. The spot is close to Tubac Village.

Could the NB Tyrannulet be any cuter? Beautiful photos of all the species in this post. I love the pig in the mustard comment – very funny and a great pic of the javelina, too. Another enticing location to look forward to.