November 21, 2023

Streak-backed Oriole, Gilbert Water Ranch 11-20-23
Several years ago I did the 2-hour + trek up to the Gilbert Water Ranch, a series of water reclamation ponds, in an upper-middle class burb of Phoenix. The attraction then was a Canada Warbler. The place is gigantic and impressive. Tucson’s Sweetwater Wetlands is tiny in comparison to the Gilbert Water Ranch ponds. The place is loaded with peeps, pelicans, and a few Canada Geese, in large ponds with mud flats. Recently a Yellow-crowned Night-heron was found hanging out with its cousins in one of the ponds. Many birders visited to see this very unusual water bird. But the kicker was that while looking for the Night-heron, Lexi Stark found this Streak-backed Oriole on 11-19-23. There was also a Northern Parula found earlier, but these are being seen in many locations, and did not get too much attention. The oriole was browsing the hackberry trees along the trail between the ponds. The hackberries are well-laden with fruit. I would expect Rufous-backed Robins there soon.

Streak-backed Oriole, Gilbert Water Ranch 11-20-23
I arrived a the Ranch at about 7:45 am, and found the bird where it was advertised. What a stunner, at first I thought I had stumbled on a shy Flame-colored Tanager. It was a good thing that the Oriole was hanging to at a far end of the Ranch, as the morning progressed many families with noisy children began to arrive. They did not make it as far as the Oriole spot, but they did interfere with birding at the Parula and Night-hawk locations. I would avoid the spot on weekend/holidays.

Yellow-crowned Night-heron, Gilbert Water Ranch 11-20-21

Northern Parula, Gilbert Water Ranch 11-20-21

Northern Parula, Gilbert Water Ranch 11-20-21
In the area around Buckeye a White Ibis and Fulvous Whistling Duck have been seen for about a week. This is almost 3-hour drive. Maybe……

Columbus Park, Tucson.