March 29, 2024

Short-tailed Hawk, Tubac, 3-14-24
This bird has been seen at the Tubac Hawkwatch since March 3. It is suspected that this is one of the birds that has nested on nearby Mount Lemon in recent years. Another, lighter phase version has also been seen several times at Hawkwatch. This is the same bird seen in my last post, but at much greater altitude.

Zone-tailed Hawk, Tubac 3-13-24

Swainson’s Hawk, Tubac, 3-18-24 (thanks, Seth)

Lucy’s Warbler, Sweetwater Preserve, 3-26-24
Finally – arrived about two weeks late along with Bell’s Vireos. The weather has been unusually cold and wet for SEAZ in the winter and early spring. Bluebirds in paltry numbers were around in the early winter, but have been largely absent since. Likewise Waxwings have been absent. Lawrence’s Goldfinches ditto. Wintering Orioles have been scarce. Cassin’s Finches, usually dependable at a few spots, are 99% gone. The Becards did not winter in their usual spot just north of the Tubac bridge. We are blessed/cursed with lots of Yellow-rumped Warblers including many males in their spiffiest feather.
We are due more cold/wet weather for the next several days, then a warm up. Perhaps the missing birds will appear.

Cooper’s Hawks, Sweetwater Preserve, 3-27-24. They shared a mouse.

Northern Parula, Sweetwater Preserve, 3-27-24
Wintering bird. Most always in the same small area at Sweetwater.

White-throated Sparrow, Madera Kubo B&B, 3-29-24
Another wintering bird.

Berylline Hummingbird, Santa Rita Lodge, 3-22-24.
This is a very early bird. The last several years Beryllines have bee seen and reported nesting in the Madera Canyon creek. Usually not seen before late-April. This bird was first reported at Santa Rita Lodge about a week before.
Recently the bird moved up the canyon a bit to the Madera Kubo B&B. The bird may have relocated to Kubo because at Santa Rita Lodge its favorite feeder was too close to the crowds of watchers and lesser humanity. The light was not-so-good on 3-29-24.

Berylline Hummingbird, Madera Kubo B&B, 3-29-24

Berylline Hummingbird, Madera Kubo B&B, 3-29-24

Tiny Checkerspot, Arivaca Cienega, 3-17-24

Grasshopper Sparrow, Tubac, 3-16-24