March 19, 2020

The Santa Rita Lodge in Madera Canyon is the most user friendly birding spot in the canyon. Good parking, a covered observation deck, good comfortable seating plus benches. A gift shop with snacks. No restrooms – there are restrooms close by just north of the lodge. It its best to visit during the week, except in winter, as the place is popular and sometimes crowded, especially during April and May.
For the first-time birder to the canyon, this place is a must! There are numerous feeders and the site is set up for watching birds. The birds one sees there are, for the most part, resident freeloaders. Common winter birds include Hepatic Tanager, Yellow-eyed and Dark-eyed Junco, White-breasted Nuthatch, Mexican Jay, Arizona and Acorn Woodpeckers, Red-naped Sapsucker, Lesser Goldfinch, Pine Siskin, Rivoli’s, Broad-billed and Ana’s Hummingbirds, Wild Turkey, and House Wren. Other birds which may be seen are Olive and Audubon’s Warbler, Painted Redstart, and Elegant Trogon – a year round resident of the canyon.

During spring and summer almost anything is possible. Birds that can be expected to be seen are Scott’s and Bullock’s Oriole, Black-headed Grosbeak, Black-chinned Hummingbirds, Western, Hepatic, and Summer Tanager, Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher, Nashville, Yellow, Black-throated Gray, Townsend’s and Wilson’s Warblers. The best place to watch for colorful migrants and nesting birds is at the water feature at the back of the habitat and in the trees. Most do not partake of the fare offered at the feeders. Other birds which may appear are Rose-breasted Grosbeaks (April-May), Green-tailed Towhee, MacGillivrey’s and Hermit Warblers, Gray and Zone-tailed Hawks.

Fall is an exciting time in the canyon. Migrants headed south often stop by the water feature, as by late summer/early fall the creek is usually dry. The best time is early, just as the sun makes its way to the lodge.