January 21, 2024

White-throated Sparrow, Madera Kubo 1-20-23
This handsome sparrow showed up at Madera Kubo about 10 days ago. Earlier there was one at close-by Santa Rita Lodge. Perhaps the same bird. Several more have been posted in the region.

White-throated Sparrow, Madera Kubo 1-20-23

Common Golden-eye, Sweetwater, 12-27-23

Rufous-backed Robin, Paton’s, 1-14-24
There are three of these birds in the area adjacent to Paton’s Hummingbird place. They forage through the hackberries and privet trees. They are not particularly confiding.

Green-tailed Towhee, Paton’s, 1-19-24

Pyrrhuloxia (M) Paton’s, 1-19-23

Pyrrhuloxia (F) Paton’s, 1-19-23

Violet-crowned Hummingbird, Paton’s, 1-19-24. Resident.

Rufous Hummingbird, Paton’s 1-19-24. Very Early.

Arizona Woodpecker, Patons, 1-19-24

Inca Dove, Paton’s 1-19-24

Abandon Hope, All Who Enter. 1-21-24

The End of the World in Green Valley. Maybe not.