July, 24, 2021
Rain total here in Green Valley is up to 4.65″ since the beginning of the month. That’s about the total that fell in 2020. Another inch is expected between now and the end of the month.

This Scissor-tailed Fly was found by Caleb Gordon at Himmel Park in The Old Pueblo yesterday morning. All day long birders visited and the fly put on a show for all. The sky was brightly overcast making photos difficult unless the photographer way-overexposed the shot relative to the camera’s meter and then corrected in post-processing. Otherwise all one would get is a dark silhouette. These shots, except the perched bird, were all 3-4 stops overexposed.
Himmel Park is a really nice place in the middle of one of the better neighborhoods near the UofA. Last year the place hosted Streak-backed Oriole, Painted Bunting, Clay-colored Sparrow, and White-throated Sparrow besides all the usual natives and riffraff.

Great shots Eric!