September 8, 2023

I took one of my long-obsolete camera bodies into Tucson Camera Repair and had it converted to an infrared camera. This photo and the next are part of the “first light” on this new setup. The warmer it is, the redder the cast. I wonder what the pics will look like in 28F January. The lens is an older 24mm/f2.8 Nikon AF from the 1990’s. The lens does not autofocus with newer cameras, but works fine with my obsolete D7100. I had the lens “altered” to focus in infrared, as there is a difference in focus between infrared and visible light.

Lucifer Hummingbird, Box Canyon 9-6-23
I’ve made a bunch of trips to Box Canyon, It’s not far away, since June. Lucifer hummingbirds have been sporadically reported there all summer. But planetary alignment never occurred. These birdsrreally like agave. And this year there is an abundant crop of still-flowering plants. So on my last trip I finally found the bird. I had pretty much given up on finding it locally, and traveled to the Ash Canyon Preserve, about 90 miles, to see their amazing bird magnet.

Rattler, Santa Gertrudis 9-7-23

Zone-tailed Hawk, Santa Gertrudis 9-7-23

Rufous Hummingbird, Madera Canyon 9-8-23

Rufous Hummingbird, Madera Canyon 9-8-23

Calliope Hummingbird (f), Madera Canyon 9-8-23

Green Kingfisher, Clark Crossing 9-5-23

Tropical Kingbird Clark Crossing 9-5-23

Thick-billed Kingbird, Arivaca 9-2-23

You are so much more advanced in your bird photography since you left San Diego, it is scary! And your were great before you left!