August 11, 2023

Hooded Warbler Arivaca Lake 8-11-23
This bird was found a couple days ago and has been seen by numerous birders at Arivaca Lake. It is a bit on the shy side and a lot of patience is required to see or photograph it.

Hooded Warbler Arivaca Lake 8-11-23

Painted Bunting Arivaca Lake 8-11-23
Painted Bunting numbers are growing rapidly. The first were seen in late July, and this is the usual pattern. Besides two Painted Buntings there were numerous Varied Bunting at Arivaca Lake this morning. My phone kept alerting to Indigos, but I never saw or heard one.

American Redstart Madera Canyon 8-8-23

American Redstart Madera Canyon 8-8-11
This is sort of unusual, as American Redstarts are usually late fall and winter birds locally.

Pyrrhuloxia Montosa Canyon 8-5-23

Five-striped Sparrow Montosa Canyon 8-4-23

Varied Bunting Montosa Canyon 8-4-23

Green Kingfisher Tubac 8-6-23

Green Kingfisher Tubac 8-6-26

Firecracker Flower
Great photos Eric!