February 17, 2024

Ferruginous Pygmy Owl, Pena Blanca Lake 2-17-24
In November 2020 I found the same species at the same lake, within 150 yards. Perhaps the very same bird. Ted Wolff & I arrived at Pena Blanca Lake at about 8:30. There were not too many birds seen. No sparrows, not even a single towhee or finch, one sapsucker, no raptors. A few Pied-billed Grebes, Coots, and Ruddys. I noticed several small birds -I suspected Kinglets – flying about. We walked in that direction. I looked over and saw a silvery blob in a dormant bush. Examination with bins revealed it an owl, and the kinglets were watching carefully. Photographs revealed it to be a Ferruginous Pygmy Owl – a Mexican species whose range barely makes it into the US. I had to make it back to my car to retrieve a camera and got back in time for a few crummy photos.

Little Gull, Wilcox, 2-7-24,
I meant to include this pic in my last posting. So you get to see it now.

Looking south from Pena Blanca Lake. Cell pic.