December 31, 2021

This waterthrush showed up in late November and has been seen pretty regularly since. It likes the area just below the Santa Rita Lodge and ranges north about a quarter-mile along the creek. So it’s seen in both Pima and Santa Cruz Counties.

The same day that I photographed the waterthrush this scruffy Scarlet Tanager showed up at Columbus Park in Tucson. It entertained a many hopeful birders. It went missing the following day, the reappeared the next.

Green Kingfisher Clark Crossing 12-30-2021
Clark Crossing, just south of Tubac is a favorite spot for the three Green Kingfishers that are often seen along the Santa Cruz River.

This female/immature Hooded Oriole showed up on December 18, and visits my feeders several times a week. It has been reported by others in Green Valley, also.

Other wintering birds that continue to be seen locally include Gray Catbird, Chestnut-sided Warbler, Northern Parula, Black-and-white Warbler, Black-throated Green Warbler, Rufous-backed Robin, Rose-throated Becard, Black-throated Gray Warbler in decent numbers, Wilsons Warblers, Yellow Warblers, Townsend’s Warblers, and Greater Scaup. The birding trail at Patagonia Lake is closed because a cow attacked a hiker.