End of Year – End of the World Birds

December 31, 2021

Louisiana Waterthrush Madera Canyon 12-27-2021

This waterthrush showed up in late November and has been seen pretty regularly since. It likes the area just below the Santa Rita Lodge and ranges north about a quarter-mile along the creek. So it’s seen in both Pima and Santa Cruz Counties.

Scarlet Tanager Christopher Columbus Park December 27, 2021

The same day that I photographed the waterthrush this scruffy Scarlet Tanager showed up at Columbus Park in Tucson. It entertained a many hopeful birders. It went missing the following day, the reappeared the next.

Green Kingfisher Clark Crossing 12-30-2021

Clark Crossing, just south of Tubac is a favorite spot for the three Green Kingfishers that are often seen along the Santa Cruz River.

Wilson’s Snipe Clark Crossing 12-30-21
Northern Beardless Tyrannulet Clark Crossing 12-30-21
Hooded Oriole Casa Corky 12-18-2021

This female/immature Hooded Oriole showed up on December 18, and visits my feeders several times a week. It has been reported by others in Green Valley, also.

Santa Rita’s peak seen from Amado 12-30-2021.

Other wintering birds that continue to be seen locally include Gray Catbird, Chestnut-sided Warbler, Northern Parula, Black-and-white Warbler, Black-throated Green Warbler, Rufous-backed Robin, Rose-throated Becard, Black-throated Gray Warbler in decent numbers, Wilsons Warblers, Yellow Warblers, Townsend’s Warblers, and Greater Scaup. The birding trail at Patagonia Lake is closed because a cow attacked a hiker.