May 23, 2022
Yesterday, 5-22-2022, several good birds were reported at the big pond at Wilcox – Black Tern and Snowy Plover. So I ventured out there this morning. Arriving at 7 a.m. I scanned the west end of the golf course and saw a couple of Scaled Quail. Then I drove the circumference of the pond. I found nothing special. I did look at a pair of peeps, which I assumed were Westerns. I ran into Steve Tracy who said that as these two peeps flew he saw the rumps and he believed, he wasn’t sure, that the birds could be White-rumped Sandpipers. So we worked on these birds for about an hour – I got a quick scope view of the rump – white with a dark terminal band – no central dark strip – plus obvious long primary extension. We chased the birds to the far western shore area of the pond where I got photos which reinforced the identification of White-rumped. Amazing day.