August 21, 2020

Two Upland Peeps were reported on August 20, 2020 at the flooded Ag fields in Marana. The ag fields are just south of the Marana Airport and are easily accessible off of I-10 north of Tucson. Several sandpiper species have recently been reported in the fields including least, Baird’s, pectoral, lesser yellowlegs, and long-billed curlew. Also seen were lazuli buntings (8) – which are currently very common, Bullock’s oriole, white-faced ibis (14), common raven (20), eastern meadowlark, horned lark, Swainson’s Hawk (70) and killdeer.
These two peeps are in addition to the solo bird found two days ago a Sam Lena/KERP in Tucson – the same park where the Louisiana Waterthrush and Prothonotary Warbler were found earlier. The birders who went to see both of these unusual-for-Tucson birds stumbled onto the peep. Likewise, a Pectoral peep was found at Marana on Thursday 8-19-2020. Pectorals peep are rare in SEAZ, so numerous birders went to find it … and stumbled upon the Upland peeps. More eyes find more birds.