April 12, 2020
Yesterday there was a Short-tail Hawk reported at Tubac. Most likely the bird seen was a Swainson’s Hawk. But it provided an excuse to make a return visit to the DeAnza Trail north of the bridge in Tubac. I did see a Swainson’s Hawk, they are seen daily.
Besides the birds seen below, Wilson’s, Lucy’s, Yellow, Orange-Crowned, Nashville and Yellow-Rumped (and Myrtle) Warblers were seen. Numerous Cassin’s, Plumbeous, Bell’s, and Hutton’s Vireos were noted, along with multiple Hammond’s Flycatchers. Other birders reported Zone-tailed Hawk, Warbling Vireo, Black Vulture, Hooded and Bullock’s Orioles.

The female Rose-throated Becard is busy preparing her nest. She has been making good progress lately.