End of the World Birding – Spot Road Farm

September 23, 2021

Burrowing Owl, Spot Road Farm

Located about forty miles west of Gila Bend just off of I-8, in the absolute middle of nowhere, sits Spot Road Farm. It has a very good list of birds as it includes acres of alfalfa and associated irrigation – long narrow shallow ponds which attract peeps including Baird’s, Least, Red-necked Phalarope, both Yellowlegs, Pectoral, Spotted and more. Yesterday an American Golden Plover was found by Brian Johnson. Also found was a Red Knot.

The plover was a bird that I wanted to see. I wasn’t even slightly interested in red knots not in breeding plumes.

I ventured out this morning just after Chris McCreedy reported that the plover was present. This is a 182 mile drive. I arrived at 9:30 and met Carol Hippelmeyer at the most northerly pond. It had numerous peeps and some drab shovelers and teal hens. We could not find the plover.

American Golden-Plover Spot Road Farm 9-23-2021

We ran into Cathy Beck, who had been there since 7 a.m., and had not found the plover either. After poking around in the growing heat, I was getting ready to make my exit when my phone rang …. Cathy had the plover just beyond where I was parked. I carefully worked my way along a dirt service road adjacent to the alfalfa field where the plover was foraging. Its was only a few feet off of the service road with several Killdeer. The drab Red Knot was not seen.