November 6, 2021

This bird was quite unexpected. Allegedly the second county record, the first was a bird found ex-animus. At the same spot that the Jacana vacationed last year.

The Rufous-backed Robins have been seen in several spots from Dateland up to Hassayampa. So they (2) finally showed up at Paton’s Squirrel Farm (the chiggers and mosquitos have left).

A Least Flycatcher showed up on November 1 along Sonoita Creek near Rio Rico. I made it there on November 4.

This Catbird showed up one day before the Rufous-backed Robin, and shared the pyracantha. A Steller’s Jay also showed up, very unusual for Patagonia. The next day a Lewis’ Woodpecker and Northern Parula made an appearance.