End of the World Birding – Some Half-Way Decent Birds

November 6, 2021

Black-legged Kittiwake Ida Road 11-6-2021

This bird was quite unexpected. Allegedly the second county record, the first was a bird found ex-animus. At the same spot that the Jacana vacationed last year.

Rufous-Backed Robin

The Rufous-backed Robins have been seen in several spots from Dateland up to Hassayampa. So they (2) finally showed up at Paton’s Squirrel Farm (the chiggers and mosquitos have left).

Least Flycatcher

A Least Flycatcher showed up on November 1 along Sonoita Creek near Rio Rico. I made it there on November 4.

Gray Catbird, Paton’s 11-1-2021

This Catbird showed up one day before the Rufous-backed Robin, and shared the pyracantha. A Steller’s Jay also showed up, very unusual for Patagonia. The next day a Lewis’ Woodpecker and Northern Parula made an appearance.

Clay-colored Sparrow, Cottonwood Tank.