End of the World Birding – Santa Gertrudis Lane

October 6, 2020

Several weeks back a local birder reported that he had walked upstream in the Santa Cruz River, from Santa Gertrudis Lane, in his rubber boots. He had a nice list of about 60 birds. I tried this technique this morning with good results. I found the adult male Green Kingfisher beyond the stretch of the river that could be reasonably reached without boots. Also seen were a single Lawrence’s Goldfinch and a “greenie” painted Bunting. We’ve had Painted Buntings locally since at least July 24. So this is ten weeks. Finally, a Ruddy Ground Dove in the pasture area along the Lane proper. There has been as many as four of these doves at this spot recently. Also one in Patagonia and one in Tucson.

Green Kingfisher
Gren Kingfisher
Lawrence’s Goldfinch
Ruddy Grounds-Dove
Painted Bunting
Bobcat Kitten