April, 26, 2023

Rufous-capped Warbler Patagonia Lake 4-26-23
This bird used to be seen at Lower Florida Canyon until the drought-year of 2020. The several birds in the canyon left and have not returned. They were last seen in December 2020. The other reliable site near Pena Blance Reservoir requires a death-march and a high-clearance vehicle, preferably 4×4. So last week this bird was found along the birding trail, an easy 1.3 mile hike, at Patagonia Lake. I ventured out there the next day and saw the bird, but my looks were fleeting and my pics were almost, but not quite up to the standard of crappy. Happily, the bird continues, and this morning I got good looks and decent pics. The hike out to the site is excellent, with continuous high-quality habitat all along the way. Fifty-nine species this morning while I concentrated on the warbler.

Rufous-capped Warbler Patagonia Lake 4-26-23

Rufous-capped Warbler Patagonia Lake 4-26-23

Rufous-capped Warbler Patagonia Lake 4-26-23

Scaled Quail Florida Canyon Grasslands 4-12-23
Your work is a symphony of the natural world. MT