Santa Gertrudis Lane October 1, 2020

Another Mexican specialty. These birds are found in small numbers in SE Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. I saw my first at the Salteen Sea in Imperial County. Thee have been several reports recently from Patagonia and finally, yesterday, at Santa Gertrudis Lane. The birds, as many as four, were in a pasture area with ducks and geese and were accompanied by at least 13 Inca Doves. The Santa Cruz River and De Anza Trail are a few steps away, and today there was a getting-late Painted Bunting, female Lazuli Buntings and a Thick-billed Kingbird. Last week a Rufous-backed Robin was seen. Recent arrivals include Yellow-rumped Warbler and Ruby-crowned Kinglet. White-crowned Sparrows are now seen in numbers.