End of the World Birding – Red-eyed Vireo

Lakeside “American Standard” Park

September 18, 20

Red-eyed Vireo

Mark Stevenson found this Red-eyed Vireo at Lakeside American Standard Park early on September 18, 2020. The bird was found at the extreme south end of the bowl in the only decent habitat in the park. The park is a truly awful place. I avoid going there unless something good is found. Despite its ugliness the place has produced some good birds recently including Tricolored Heron and Roseate Spoonbills. The trouble with photographing these birds its that it is difficult to get photos without including trash or dead five-eyed carp in the frame. Most of the pond resembles a large toilet bowl, hence the nick-name American Standard Park.

American Standard Park, Tucson
Red-eyed Vireo

As a contrast, here is a photo of Pena Blanca Lake near Nogales in Santa Cruz County. A Lovely spot. No trash. No Crowds.

Pena Blanca Lake, Santa Cruz County