End of the World Birding – Marana and More

January 4, 2021

The agricultural fields north of Tucson at Marana have been productive recently. Last fall there were Upland and Pectoral Sandpipers. And recently, Mountain Bluebirds, Sage Thrashers, a Baird’s Sparrow, Ferruginous Hawks, Burrowing Owls, and Caracaras have been seen. The Marana Water Treatment Pond has also been active with three Longspurs.

Yesterday, 1-3-2021, a Harris’ Sparrow was found in a very large flock of White-crowns in the agricultural fields.

Harris’ Sparrow 1-4-2021
Harris’ Sparrow 1-4-2021
Harris’ Sparrow 1-4-2021

Thick-billed Longspur 1-4-2021

Birds of opportunity were found on January 5, 2021 at the Corrals in Florida Canyon, Madera Canyon Picnic Grounds and Santa Rita Lodge.

Crissal Thrasher, Florida Canyon Corrals

What life lesson can we glean from this Thrasher?

You lookin at me?
Elegant Trogon Madera Canyon Picnic Grounds 1-5-2021
Cassin’s Finch
Cassin’s Finch (R) House Finch (L)