End of the World Birding – Madera Canyon and More

April 11, 2022

Williamson’s Sapsucker 4-11-2022
Williamson’s Sapsucker 4-11-2022

This sapsucker showed up in Madera Canyon at the picnic grounds just a bit north of the Santa Rita Lodge two days past. A bit unexpected. The Myrtle Warbler was also present and was a nice bird to see, especially in all of his spring finery.

Myrtle Warbler 4-11-2022
White-throated Sparrow 4-10-2022

There have been several White-throated Sparrows wintering at the Proctor Road crossing, at the base of Madera Canyon. Besides this species, Lazuli Buntings are present in good numbers. It is hard to know if the buntings are new migrants or over-wintering birds, as they have been easy to find at this spot and most of the regular birding hotspots since last fall.

Painted Redstart 4-9-2022

These birds are quite common, especially in Madera Canyon. This one was part of a pair at Madera Kubo.

Red-faced Warbler 4-9-2022

These colorful warblers have been present for a while in the canyon, but have just recently ventured to areas within reasonable hiking distance. Yesterday (4-10-22) two were seen at the upper Madera Canyon parking lot. The above bird required a hike of about .8 miles up the steep Carry Nations Trail. Schlepping a heavy camera/lens up the hill is a bitch. A walking stick is more than helpful. Graces Warblers are also being seen, but a bit higher up.

Elegant Trogon

This is the bird everyone wants to see. This nice male was about .4 miles above the parking lot – pretty easy hike.

Rose-throated Becard at nest. 4-10-22

The female Becard at Tubac has begun work on this year’s nest. An easy hike of about .7 miles on a flat trail.

Hepatic Tanager 3-28-22

Dusky-capped Flycatcher 3-28-22
Scott’s Oriole 3-28-22

The above three birds are from Lower Florida Canyon.

Ruddy Ground Dove 3-30-2022 Patagonia Lake Birding Trail
Black Vultures 4-5-2022 Pena Blanca Lake