End of the World Birding – July 2022

July 21, 2022

Lucifer Hummingbird Box Canyon 7-20-2022

I found this female in almost the exact same spot as it, or another, nested last summer. There has been such an incredible crop of agave – all of which are currently blooming – that hummingbirds are more difficult to find this year. There are plenty of them, but they are way spread out.

Varied Bunting Box Canyon 7-20-2022
Varied Bunting Box Canyon 7-20-2022
Summer Tanagers Box Canyon 7-20-22

When this pair first caught my eye I wasn’t sure if they were hepatics or summers. The adult male was feeding the fledgling. Besides seeing Hepatics and Summers, there were also several Westerns in the area. Early fall migrants are beginning. At Tubac a Painted Bunting was spotted on 6-19-22 and another in Patagonia a day earlier. Both female-types.

Hepatic Tanager Box Canyon 7-20-22
Arizona Woodpecker Sant Rita Lodge 7-17-22
Berylline Hummingbird Santa Rita Lodge 7-17-22

There have been two Beryllines visiting the feeders at Santa Rita Lodge, and a nest has been reported along the creek below. Also – a Blue-throated Hummingbird, or whatever they call it now, has been seen several times. Birders also report as many as four White-eared Hummingbirds at Santa Rita- certainly misidentified female Broad-billed.

Berylline Hummingbird Santa Rita Lodge 7-17-22
Berylline Hummingbird Santa Rita Lodge 7-17-22
Rose-throated Becard Tubac 7-16-22

A male Rose-throated Becard finally showed up at Tubac. Last year none were seen, yet there was at least one successful nesting. Go figure. This male has been working to reinforce the new nest that a patient female began in April.

Rose-throated Becard Tubac 7-16-22
Green Kingfisher Roy Tobin Trailhead Rio Rico 6-24-22
Green Kingfisher Roy Tobin Trailhead Rio Rico 6-24-22