April 4, 2020

This is one of the birds on my must-see EOTW list. Often reported along the Santa Cruz River, especially south of Clark Crossing at the “cove,” a spot with still water, frogs and mesquito fish. What is amazing about this bird is how tiny it is. Now if only the Red-faced Warbler would make a command appearance in my backyard, the world could end.
This bird has been reliably reported at the cove the last several days. I staked the spot out- and the bird appeared at 9:30 and flew off before I could get a photo, damn!, And then through some sort of Faustian intervention, landed in plain sight moments later.

I did not have my biggest artillery with me this morning. I will return tomorrow, early, with the big gun.
Also seen this morning was a Solitary-Type Vireo, most likely a Cassin’s, but this one could be Blue-headed.