End of the World Birding – Golden-Winged Warbler

Cinco de Borracho, 2021

This lovely male Golden-Winged Warbler was spotted by an unnamed birder on May 4, 2021. Early today the bird was easily refound at the Guy Tobin Trailhead (Santa Cruz River) just off the I-19 in Rio Rico, about 5 miles north of Nogales. Also seen were a Green Kingfisher and Bullock’s Orioles plus the usual May birds.

Paton’s Center for Squirrels, Chiggers, and Hummingbirds has been productive recently. The best bird being a continuing Rufous-backed Robin (below on 5-4-2021). There is speculation that the robins are now breeding in SE Arizona. Last August fledglings began to be seen in several SE Arizona locations. The best spot at Paton’s is the wastewater discharge into Sonoita Creek immediately behind the facility.

Summer Tanager, Paton’s 5-4-2021

Red-faced Warbler, 4-29-2021, Carrie Nation Trail Madera Canyon

MacGillivray’s Warbler 4-16-2021, Tubac