August 31, 2023
Northern Waterthrush, Canoa 8-27-23
These warblers have been appearing in numerous locations. A few Louisianas too. At Canoa, just south of Green Valley there were two who did not get along well.

Painted Bunting “Greenie” Canoa, 8-30-23

Painted Bunting “Greenie” Canoa, 8-30-23
Another bird that has shown up in unusual numbers along the Santa Cruz River as well as lakes. This one is the first really green “Greenie” that I’ve encountered this year. Canoa has excellent habitat for buntings and warblers. Too bad Pima County destroyed Canoa’s productive amaranth fields to make way for a bunch of desiccated weeds.

Dickcissel, Himmel Park, 8-31-23

Dickcissel, Himmel Park, 8-31-23
Dickcissels have started to show up locally. At the parks in Tucson, especially. A few fly-overs also have been reported in the last two weeks. Himmel Park has been productive over the last few years with Streak-backed Oriole, Scissor-taied flycatcher, Pine Warbler, Swamp Sparrow, Indigo Bunting, as well as the regular fall Dickcissels.

Lark Bunting, Himmel Park 8-31-23
These large sparrows were pretty hard to find the last several years. This season, however, numerous large flocks, with many males in their black tuxedos, have been seen.

Plain-capped Starthroat, Ash Canyon 8-15-23
I inadvertently omitted this hummingbird from my Ash Canyon post.

Checkered Gopher Snake, Canoa, 8-27-23

Amado WTP -looking east toward Elephant Head and the Santa Ritas. The pond is home to the Black-bellied Whistling Ducks aka “Mexican Squealers.” The Seeded grasses along the perimeter of the pond are perfect for buntings. Not so good for photos. The place is fenced, and hopeful birders have to observe at a distance. Scope required.