End of the World Birding – Early Summer Birds and Stuff

June 23, 2023

Summer Tanager Montosa Canyon 6-23-23

Pyrrhuloxia Montosa Canyon 6-22-23

I’ve visited Montosa Canyon several times lately. A Yellow-Green Vireo was seen and recorded on the 21st and 22nd. I missed it entirely, but did have some decent photographic chances.

Hummingbird Box Canyon 6-21-23

Lucifers are continually being seen in Box Canyon. This juvenile Broad-billed (?) got me going.

Giant Mesquite Bug Montosa Canyon 6-23-23

Giant Mesquite Bug Montosa Canyon 6-22-23

Red Saytr Montosa Canyon 6-22-23

Red Saytr Montosa Canyon 6-22-23

Empress Leila Montosa Canyon 6-22-23

Empress Leila Montosa Canyon 6-22-23

Bordered Patch Box Canyon 6-21-23

Juniper Hairstreak Upper Mt. Hopkins Road 6-23-23

Juniper Hairstreak Upper Mt. Hopkins Road 6-23-23

This is a new butterfly for me. This specimen has seen better days. Red Saytrs are everywhere.

Pleasing Fungus Beetle Box Canyon 6-21-23