End of the World Birding – Critters

September 6, 2021

Mexican Long-tongued Bat

I noticed last year, about August 1, and the previous year, that my hummingbird feeders were being emptied every evening. I figured it was bats. This year, not only did they empty the hummingbird feeders, but they licked clean the jelly feeders. They arrive each evening before its entirely dark, and circle around my patio, each taking a turn at the feeder. This morning they were still circling at 4:30.

Gila Monster, Arivaca – Las Cienegas NCA – August 5, 2021
Tarantula – Las Cienegas NCA – August 5, 2021. The pepper spray can in 4′ long.
Dusky-capped fly, Santa Gertrudis Lane 9-6-2021. More colorful than usual.