End of the World Birding – Birds & Bugs

October 11-2022

Red-breasted Sapsucker Santa Rita Lodge 10-2022

I found this bird at Santa Rita Lodge. It stunned me at first, as I was expecting just to see the common Red-naped Sapsucker which arrived locally about a week ago. I took a couple of quick shots, and posted the bird to Arizona Rare Birds text group. The spot has a very large pyracantha, which last year fed several good overwintering birds. Pyracantha’s pomes are eaten by catbirds, robins, Trogons, and sapsuckers. Red-breasted Sapsuckers are considered rare in SEAZ – a difficult bird to find unless you stumble upon it.. Ebird has accepted this as a red-breasted Sapsucker … for whatever that’s worth. Stay tuned. I’ve found Evening Grosbeak and Baltimore Oriole at the Santa Rita Lodge during October over the last few falls. Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, Gray Catbirds and Rufous-backed Robins are expected.

Common Black-hawk Tubac 10-9-22
Black-throated Gray Warbler Peña Blanca Reservoir 10-10-22
Arizona Woodpecker Santa Rita Lodge 10-11-22

Bugs: The identification of some of these creatures may be incorrect.

Common Checkered-skipper Patagonia 9-30-22.
Gray Hairstreak Tubac 10-9-22
Mexican Yellow Peña Blanca Reservoir
Arizona Metalmark Proctor Road 10-11022
Arizona Metalmark Proctor Road 10-11-22
Checkered White Patagonia 9-19-22
Nabokov’s Satyr Montosa Canyon 10-8-22
Tropical Buckeye Patagonia 9-19-22
Southern Dogface Peña Blanca Reservoir 10-10-22.
Dainty Sulphur Montosa Canyon 10-8-22.
Tailed Orange Proctor Road 10-11-22