April 25, 2022

On the 21st, a male Flame-colored Tanager was reported and photographed at Ramsey Canyon by Theresa Lawson and Kordeen Kor. I ventured out there, a 90 minute drive from Green Valley the next morning and dipped. There were some nice birds there, Red-faced warblers especially. The Tanager was not reported after the original sighting or on the next day when I tried. The same day, 4-22-22, a Flame-colored Tanager was seen in Miller Canyon – close by to Ramsey Canyon and the spot where one spent considerable time in 2020. After three trips in 2020 I finally saw and photographed it at Beatty’s Resort. Caleb Strand, a notable local birder and guide, examined photos of the Tanagers from 2020 and 2022 at Miller Canyon and opined that they are the same bird. And, that it is a different bird than the one currently at Ramsey Canyon. In addition, Felipe Guerrero, a local guide, reported 2 females in the vicinity of Ida Canyon on the west side of the Huachucas this morning, 4-25-2022. He walked this comment back later the same day, deciding that it was the same bird which had travelled 1 mile. So, this morning I tried again for the Ramsey Canyon bird. It was spotted yesterday at the far end of the Bledsoe Loop in the sycamores. And that’s where I found it – about .65 miles from the parking area. An easy hike. Also seen were Elegant Trogon, as many as 3 reported as well as both Hepatic and Western Tanagers.