November 28, 2021

Yesterday, reports were filed of several excellent birds at the Boyce Thompson Arboretum just outside of Superior, AZ.about 120 miles north of Green Valley. Rufous-backed Robin (2) Chestnut-sided Warbler, Black-throated Blue Warbler and Red-breasted Sapsucker were seen. The place is truly amazing, 343 acres with about 130 acres of well-maintained gardens.

I arrived just as the park opened, at 8 a.m. and paid the $15 admission. Memberships are $60 for couple.
The Black-throated Blue Warbler was quickly found coming down to a fountain, and an overly hopeful photographer managed to step directly in front of me as I lined up a clear shot. Damn. I managed one shot at ISO 51,000. It’s not quite “crappy.” The reported sapsucker and chestnut-sided were not seen, but a Gray Catbird appeared. Others found a Tennessee Warbler. Other birds included Orange-crowned, Yellow-Rumped and Black-throated Gray warblers, numerous Red-shafted Flickers and two Gilded Flickers. This spot is considered the best botanical garden in Arizona. I never seen anything like it. Amazing. Since it was Sunday, the place became crowded by 10 a.m., and this was a problem coaxing the Black-throated Blue out into the open at the fountain. A doggy water dish located at the same spot did not help. Try to visit this place during normal week days.