End of the Drought Birding – Box Canyon

July 9, 2021

Another 0.3″ of rain fell in an intense half-hour about 2am on the 7th. Another one-half inch is expected early next week.

I have been watching the progress of the Agave plants along Box Canyon Road. Last week they had not opened their flowers. Yesterday morning I tried again and note that the Agave flowers are open for business! Within a few minutes the plant at the Five-striped Sparrow stakeout had attracted Lucifer, Black-chinned, and Broad-billed hummingbirds. The Lucifer is the one that everyone wants to see.

Lucifer Hummingbird Box Canyon 7-8-2021
Lucifer Hummingbird Box Canyon 7-8-2021
Lucifer Hummingbird Box Canyon 7-8-2021
Bronzed Cowbird Box Canyon 7-8-2021

It was amazing how much the desert had changed in just a few days. The ocotillos sprouted plump new leaves. Some of the oaks are beginning to show signs of life.

Five-striped Sparrow Box Canyon 7-8-2021
Ridge at last Light. June 29, 2007. Nikon D200 35mm f1.4.