Early Spring Birds at the End of the World

March 8, 2023

Black Hawk Tubac Hawk Watch 3-8-23
Hogs Distracted on their way to the Hawk Watch

No matter that Spring does not arrive until ~21, March, the weather has cleared up nicely, and temperatures in the mid-70s have replaced the recent mid-40s. We should be in the low-80s by next week. Or not. Locally we’ve gotten more than twice the normal rain for this time of year.

Indigo Bunting Himmel Park 3-7-23
Indigo Bunting Himmel Park 3-7-23

Indigo Buntings are the most difficult buntings to find in SEAZ. Last year I missed this species entirely, so I was not going to let this mottled male escape my lens. Interestingly, in March 2021 another mottled male was seen at the same spot. Same bird? Go figure.

Chestnut-sided Warbler Santa Gertrudis 2-28-23

Last year this bird, most likely, wintered at the same spot.

Plumbeous Vireo Tubac 2-25-23

The black cap is interesting. I’ve not seen it before on a vireo.

Plumbeous Vireo Tubac 2-25-23