Birds and Butterflys at the End of the World

October 4, 2023

Painted Bunting, Santa Gertrudis 10-2-23

Painted Buntings have made a good showing in the region ever since the last week-or-so of July. This one is a good example of a molting “greenie.” The bird looks like it was sent through a car wash backwards. The Varied and Lazuli Buntings in the area do not appear so ragged.

Lazuli Bunting, Santa Gertrudis 10-2-23

For comparison with the greenie, this Lazuli looks like it’s ready to fly south. Two years ago the Lazulis wintered locally in good numbers, not leaving until March.

Warbling Vireo, Santa Gertrudis 10-2-23

This bird was a bit difficult. I finally settled on Warbling Vireo – which was also the consensus among those who looked at my pics.. All sorts of birds went through my geezer brain. I even considered Arctic Warbler – wrong.

Eastern Warblers which have been noted locally include, Prothonotary, American Redstart, Worm-eating, Northern & Louisiana Waterthrush, Northern Parula, and Black-and-White.

Gray Hawk, Juvenile Santa Gertrudis 10-2-23

Prothonotary Warbler, Santa Gertrudis 9-28-23

We have had 7-or-so Prothonotaries in the region this fall. I photographed one at Columbus Park in Tucson earlier.

Prothonotary Warbler, Santa Gertrudis 9-28-23

Variegated Fritillary, Florida Wash 9-27-23

Gulf Fritillary, Patagonia 10-3-23

Leda Ministreak, Florida Wash 9-27-23

Palmer’s Metalmark, Florida Wash 10-27-23

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