Birding Near the End of the World

November 3, 2022

Red-naped Sapsuckers Santa Rita Lodge 11-1-2022
Red-naped Sapsucker Santa Rita Lodge 11-1-2022
Hepatic Tanager (F) Santa Rita Lodge 11-1-2022
Hepatic Tanager (M) Santa Rita Lodge 11-1-2022
Emerald Moth Florida Wash 11-1-2022
Emerald Moth Florida Wash 11-1-2022
Emerald Moth Florida Wash 11-1-2022

The Emerald Moth came as quite a surprise. There are several subspecies of the bug that are very similar from all over the country. There is an Arizona subspecies, Nemoria zelotes- which is the likely suspect here.

Bordered Patch Florida Wash 11-1-2022