Baltimore Oriole at the End of the World

December 4, 2023

Baltimore Oriole Tahoe Park 12-4-23

This beauty showed up at Tahoe Park, Tucson, on 12-3-23 found by Scott Olmstead. He was initially unsure of the ID, but he got audio and there were some photos obtained. Tiny Tahoe Park is in a very nice section of Tucson that looks to date from the 1950s. Large Lots etc. Many locals run dogs there, off-leash. There were a couple of reminders of dogs here-and-there on the healthy lawn. It is, as I said above, in a nice part of town. This is a very rare find, in a season of good birds.

Baltimore Oriole Tahoe Park 12-4-23

This photo shows the bird’s scapulars with their dark centers, a field mark for Baltimore Oriole.

Baltimore Oriole Tahoe Park 12-4-23

Baltimore Oriole Tahoe Park 12-4-23

Baltimore Oriole Tahoe Park 12-4-23

Mountain Bluebird, Columbus Park 12-1-23

Black-throated Gray Warbler Sweetwater Wetlands 12-01-23

The Horror, the Horror…. But it all worked out, Safeway replaced it for free. Beaulieu Vineyards 2019 Napa Valley Cab. I’m saving it for the End of the World, or sooner.