
End of the World Birding – Florida Wash Corrals

October 25, 2021 There have been plenty of good birds in SEAZ recently, three Black-and-White Warblers, Gray Catbird, two Tennessee Warblers, two Northern Parulas and a Red-breasted sapsucker (very rare in SEAZ). They were all one-day-wonders. The hardest one to miss was a Red-headed Woodpecker photographed at a Tucson golf course. Yesterday a Magnolia Warbler

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Box Canyon

August 5, 2021 A few fall birds are beginning to trickle through the area. Today a Nashville Warbler was seen in Montosa Canyon and a few Wilson’s Warblers have been seen along with Warbling Vireos. There is a bird festival just beginning and there are many birders from distant lands in the area. An Eared

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