
End of the World Birding – Columbus Park

November 9, 2020 We continue to see vagrant warblers and late migrants. Williamson’s Sapsuckers, Rufous-Backed Robins, Lawrence’s Goldfinches, Black-throated Green Warblers, a Worm-eating Warbler, and Rose-breasted Grosbeaks are being seen in Sant Cruz and Pima Counties. A Tennessee Warbler and a Northern Parula have been hanging out at Sweetwater Ponds, and today another Northern Parula

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End of the World Birding – Paton’s – Black-throated Green Warbler

October 18, 2020 This morning I had to choose between going up to Marana, about 45 miles north, to chase a female-type Mountain Bluebird or go look for birds of opportunity. Several decent birds, Clay-colored Sparrow, Lawrence’s Goldfinch and Ruddy Ground-dove had been seen recently at Paton’s in Patagonia. There is a small water treatment

End of the World Birding – Paton’s – Black-throated Green Warbler Read More »